Bilisoft Manual

It will extremely ease you to see guide bilisoft manual as you such as. By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you truly want, you can discover them rapidly. In the house, workplace, or perhaps in your method can be every best area within net connections. The BiliSoft™ 2.0 Phototherapy System helps provide family-centered care virtually anywhere—in the NICU, pediatrics units, well-baby nurseries, and even at home. The right touch—and blue light—can make all the difference for infants with jaundice. Bilisoft Manual The BiliSoft LED Phototherapy System provides light therapy for the treatment of indirect hyperbilirubinemia, commonly known as neonatal jaundice, in a hospital or home setting. Description The BiliSoft LED Phototherapy System consists of a light box and a detachable fiberoptic light pad with a long, flexible fiberoptic cable. New Service Manuals 900 new service manuals I could now add to the website. Thanks a lot to the colleagues from all over the world who sent me CDs, DVDs and even a hard drive full of manuals. The 2.000 user manuals I still have I will upload bit by bit in the next months - but first I need a break. Bilisoft Service Manualcover. Do not use malfunctioning equipment. Make all necessary repairs or have the equipment repaired by an Ohmeda Medical Service Representative. Parts listed in the service manual for Bilisoft User Manual - Drjhonda This manual describes how to checkout, operate and maintain the Ohmeda BiliBlanket Page 12/25.

Chris' lecture materials
In this corner we present lecture materials that were created for a Diploma Course for BioMedical Engineering Technologists (BMETs) in Zambia in 2015 and 2016 at NORTEC, Northern Technical College in Ndola, Zambia. The modules mentioned are part of a full curriculum program. more >

Defibrillators - A Training Course
The defibrillator is a portable device which runs on mains voltage and on internal battery. The unit contains an adjustable high voltage source, an ECG, a printer for the ECG and the patient electrodes (paddles). more >

Electrical Safety Testing - A Training Course
The introduced test procedures are particularly suitable for hospital workshops in low-income countries. The tests are easy to carry out, provide reliable results and no expensive safety analyser is needed. more >

Earthing System & RCD - A Training Course
... For safety reasons the electrical installation in buildings has to meet certain standards. One standard specifies the earthing system. One of the most common earthing systems in the world, including the developing world, is called TN-C-S. more >

How to Connect a Mains Plug
A tutorial on how to connect a mains plug (UK type) correctly. A small matter - big impact. more >

Microscope Cabinet for the Prevention of
Fungus Growth - A DIY Project
In hot and humid climates laboratory microscopes often show an unclear, dull or milky image. If this happens, even when the eyepieces and objectives are regularly cleaned, it is very likely that the microscope is affected by fungus.
Fungus grows on all glass surfaces in warm climates where the humidity is permanently above 60%. more >

Autoclaves - A Training Course
All surgical instruments that are in touch with open wounds or enter the body of a patient must be sterile. Therefore, all surgical instruments and materials have to be sterilised before surgery. The machine which does the sterilisation is called autoclave or steriliser. more >
Ge bilisoft manual

Laboratory Centrifuges - A Training Course
A centrifuge is a motor-driven equipment which is used in hospital laboratories. A centrifuge prepares body liquids from a patient for further examinations.
For diagnosing diseases, the examination of the components of body liquids like blood and urine are important. more >

Oxygen Concentrators - A Training Course
The oxygen concentrator produces oxygen by filtering the oxygen out of the ambient air. A compressor aspirates air and presses the air at high pressure through molecular sieves. These sieves are designed to let oxygen pass and to keep back the nitrogen. more >

Infant Incubators - A Training Course
Infant incubators maintain a healthy environment for newborn babies. They are used for premature babies which are still small and weak as well as for some sick full-term babies. Incubators are used in the primary care department of a hospital or in the neonatal intensive care unit, NICU. more >

Medical Gas Supply - A Training Course
Beside a functioning supply of water and electricity also the gas supply is important for a hospital. Medical gases are used in the operating room for anaesthesia and in the wards (oxygen) as an additive to the breathing air. more >
Bilisoft phototherapy system manual

Cardiac Output Computer Simulator (DIY)
In clinical practice cardiac output can be estimated with the thermodilution method. A catheter is inserted into the pulmonary artery. The catheter has a thermistor in the tip measuring the temperature of the blood. more >

Laboratory Balances - A Training Course
Laboratory balances are sophisticated and sensitive electromechanical devices which need special care and knowledge in the usage, maintenance and repair. more >

Precision Voltage Reference - A DIY Project
You do calibration for electronic equipment? What about your own measurement equipment? When did you calibrate your multimeter the last time? Read how simple it is to build a precision voltage reference for multimeter calibration. more >

Electronic Course (12) - Power Supplies
Many failures of medical (and electronic) equipment due to power supply defects. Therefore a lot of devices can be repaired just with the knowledge of the functioning of power supplies. more >

New Service Manuals
900 new service manuals I could now add to the website. Thanks a lot to the colleagues from all over the world who sent me CDs, DVDs and even a hard drive full of manuals. The 2.000 user manuals I still have I will upload bit by bit in the next months - but first I need a break...

Simple X-Ray Detector - A DIY Project
Recently I received an email from Keith Feay in which he introduced his simple made X-ray detector. The little unit is cheap and made from readily available materials. Here Keith's building instruction. more >
Bilisoft phototherapy system service manual

X-Ray Phantom in a CD Case - DIY Project
Commercial X-Ray Phantoms are expensive and bulky. Usually they are made out two glass panes and so they are not durable in day-to-day operation. My solution for a DIY-X-Ray Phantom is made out of a CD jewel case. It is handy, available everywhere, and durable. more >

Microscope Conversion to LED - DIY Project
This instruction shows how to convert a standard microscope with light bulb to LED light. Only a cheap mobile phone charge can be used as the power supply because of the much lower power consumption of the LED light. The whole LED system costs less than 20 €. more >


ECG Patient Simulator - A DIY Project
One of the most important test equipment in the biomedical workshop is the ECG Tester or Patient Simulator. The Patient Simulator is connected to the ECG monitor and delivers the typical ECG signal. Only with such a tester an ECG monitor can be repaired. more >

Electronics - A Training Course
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary electronic basics as well as all practical skills to repair and maintain electronic hospital equipment. It is not supposed to be an academic seminar for engineers but a small practical oriented training for hospital technicians in developing countries who never received a proper vocational training. more >

Bilisoft Biliblanket Manual

Bilisoft Manual

EMO - Service Instruction
Before starting make sure that all tools are available. Besides a set of normal blade srew drivers you will need some special tools. more >

OMV - Service Instruction
created by the participants of the CCBRT Anaesthesia Maintenance Training Course 2008 more >

Bilisoft 2