Minecraft Download Ps3 Edition
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Minecraft PSP is the only Lamecraft mode with working survival, crafting, mobs, and many other things!
- Fixed bugs causing crashes
- Cows became cleverer
- Cows drop more leather and meat
- Complete mobs (cow, zombies)
- Zombies can wear armor (chain-mail, and gold)
- Armour (diamond, metal, mail, gold, leather)
- Drop
- World increased to 176x112x176
- A long day and a short night (13 minutes / 7 minutes)
- Creatve mode (immortality, the ability to fly)
- Hardcore Mode
- The ability to change the game mode of the world
- Ability to change the difficult of the world (peaceful, easy, normal, hard)
Blocks and items:
- Bone meal, bone
- Lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli ore, lapis lazuli block
- Watermelon, watermelon seeds, slices of watermelon
- Flat ladders
- Cookies, cocoa beans
- Sandstone
- Stone brick, semiblock, cracked version
- Mossy cobbles
- Chest has a reduced model and lock
- Torch as an item, not as a block
- Sugar
- Golden Instruments
- Swords
- Birch sapling and spurce sapling
Interface :
- New GUI
- Bars (hunger, health, oxygen, armor) are in their rightful place
- Strip of the strength of tools and armor
- Items in the hand have a 3D sprite
- Items in the hand have dynamic lighting
- Rendering the character in the inventory as well as armor on it
Generator :
- Desert biome
- Generation of cacti
- Generation of two species of spruce in a snowy biome
- Erosion
- Generation of dungeons with chest with loot
- Changed the generation of ore
- Changed the generation of colors
Other :
- New fog
- Poor visibility under water
- Slow moving under water
- New skybox with the effects of sunrise and sunset
- New animation system blocks
- Zombies drop bones and rotten flesh
- Bone meal can be used for flower cultivation and growth of wheat / watermelons
- New sounds of doors
- Fixed door models
- Model of destruction has 10 frames
- Ability to change the texture pack
- Removed watering and diamond watering
- Increased the growth of the character (the camera is slightly higher)

- Link: Install Game PKG:#for PS3 OFW (install HAN Installer please read step by ste.
- Browse and download Minecraft Ps3 Maps by the Planet Minecraft community. 3 Boss Aquatic Skyblock for Playstation 3 Edition. Swampland with PS3 world download.
- Playstation 3
- Custom Firmware (CFW) installed on your Playstation 3 (or another way to install PKG files)
- Your own purchased copy of Minecraft from PSN (or your own PKG backup)

- 100+ Page Full Color Minecraft Guide (visible in-game on XMB)
- 6 custom skin packs
- 10+ Missing Mojang Skin Packs Re-Added
- Enhanced Base Textures
- 35+ Custom Texture Packs
Please do not flood our facebook, email inbox, or comments sections with questions reguarding this project. We have a support thread in our forums
Minecraft Ps3 Edition Maps Download
for you to post bugs, questions, and comments in a organized fashion. If you want to ask questions please visit the Minecraft: Elite Edition section of our forum and make sure your question has not already been answered. If you are having trouble installing this project, please visit the Minecraft: Elite Edition Support Thread to see if your problem has already been resolved by another user BEFORE creating identical threads. If you do not see a thread that pertains to your issue, feel free to create a new thread and we will respond as soon as possible.Click to expand...

Minecraft For Ps3 Free
Minecraft Ps3 Edition Download
Download & Source:via elite-electronics.org
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