Moliplayer Pro Xap
MoliPlayer Pro XAP for Windows Phone 8 has more than 100,000 downloads on Android. And, according to the developers, capable of playing almost all formats, including RMVB, AVI, MKV, FLV, FLAC, APE, etc. MoliPlayer Pro can play videos stored within the device and on the SD card, and allows you to stream your video on Wi -Fi from your PC. Download MoliPlayer Pro the offline XAP/APPX file for Windows Phone/ Windows 10 Mobile. You can now download MoliPlayer Pro free to install manually and try it - Winphone Iz Blog share the XAP/APPX/APPXBUNDLE file for Windows Phone/Windows 10 Mobile.
CompanyMoliTimeTechnologyhas porteditsvideo playerMoliPlayerPro onWindows Phone! MoliPlayer Pro XAP for Windows Phone 8 has more than100,000 downloadson Android.And, according to the developers, capable of playingalmostall formats, includingRMVB, AVI,MKV, FLV, FLAC, APE, etc. MoliPlayer Procan playvideos storedwithinthe deviceandon the SD card,andallows you to stream yourvideo onWi-Fifrom your PC.
Moliplayer Pro Apk
Multiplayer Pro Xap
- Playsalmostall video formats:AVI, MKV, MP4, H. 264,RMVB, WMV, FLV, TS,M2TS,andVOB. etc.
- Playsallmusic formats: AAC, MP3, APE, FLAC,OGG, etc.
- Displayssubtitles:embedded orseparate
- Easywireless video transferfrom your computervia Wi-Fi(Windows Phoneand PC must be on the same network)
- Control sound volumeandscreen brightnesswithgestures
- Plays video inany resolution andany bitrate